Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Reduce information overload and save time and money for your business

We are running SDM Seminar for Knowledge Managers around Enterprise Search and Information Management over the next week or so:

The challenge for Knowledge Managers is to find tools which aid them and encourage employees to share information leading to bottom line cost reductions across the business. Nearly half of all labour costs are now allocated to employees performing so-called ‘Information work’. And so with a typical information worker spending up to a 25% of their time searching for the right information to complete a given task, some organisations could be frittering away their staff costs.

It makes good business sense to make the information access and knowledge management process as productive as possible, and one way in which organisations can reduce the burden associated with information work is to implement an enterprise search and find solution.

The hands-on workshop is designed to:
  • provide an avenue for Knowledge Managers to discuss different issues and road-blocks in managing information
  • demonstrate how a tailored Information Management solution can reduce your workload
  • provide tips and tools on how you can reduce time and increase productivity through tools which help people help themselves including desktop searches and intranet search


Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Microsoft Office
Level 26, 91 King William Street, Adelaide

Thursday 3 May 2007
Microsoft Office
Level 2, 1 Epping Road North Ryde

Tuesday 8 May 2007
Microsoft Office
Level 5, 4 Freshwater Place

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Prescan.exe finished with failure

We have started a large upgrade SPS 2003 to MOSS 2007 project for one of our customers. The approach we are taking is to the content database migration upgrade. As confusing as anything with the words migration and upgrade joined together may sound, there is a logic to the approach over the other ways of completing the upgrade, which I will get to later.

An important first step in the upgrade is to run the prescan.exe over your SPS 2003 environment and content database.

On the source SharePoint Portal Server, run the Office SharePoint Server 2007 Prescan utility.

You will need to copy the following files from a base MOSS installation (i.e. from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN)

  • Prescan.exe
  • PREUPGRADESCANCONFIG.XML (if you have created custom site definitions in SPS 2003, then update this file)

The syntax of the command is:

prescan.exe /c preupgradescanconfig.xml /V http://urlofsitecollectiontobeupgraded/

When I first ran this command, the results I got was the scan finished with failure.

And errors like these in my log file:

  • Error: The following site has not been scanned. Id = 2ceb5f7d-gb8b-41ff-ad61-0712e0e9098a and Url = test/jr
  • Error: The following list has not been scrubbed: Id=2ceb5f7d-gb8b-4c71-b251-0712e0e9098a, Name=Web Part Gallery, Containing Web=personal/alfpha

What I found out here was the prescan was failing because of some orphaned lists that needed to be removed from the content database.

The resolution to this involved:

1. As well as making sure you have SPS 2003 SP2 and WSS SP2, you will net to get this hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918743

2. Once you have the hotfix, follow the steps on this KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918744
• To detect orphaned items, use the following command line:
stsadm -o databaserepair -url http://URLofWindowsSharePointServicesSite -databasename DatabaseName
• To delete orphaned items, use the following command line:
stsadm -o databaserepair -url http://URLofWindowsSharePointServicesSite -databasename DatabaseName -deletecorruption

3. This resolved all my issues but one.
To resolve my last issue also involved using the stsadm command line.
In this case I used it to delete the site /test/jr with the following syntax:

Stsadm –o deletesite –url http://SITENAME/test/jr

From there I was able to successfully run the prescan.exe utility and get to the next step of the upgrade process.

A couple of other good references for similar prescan and orphan issues are: